25th Anniversary of HAHN Automation

Last weekend, bether from thursday to saturday, my employer held his 25th anniversary. now you may consider myself as an overachiver, blogging on my private website about that. But the enourmous feeback we got and the two remarkable key notes I heared, made me reconsider this, and I want to share some of these impressions.

Besides the keynotes of course there had been speeches and buffets and polititians speaking … you name it. On the other hand we partnered with some of our suppliers to give some state of the art impression on robotics, such as Festo with the Butterflies or Schunk with the bionic hand.

Besides the current state, the audience was inspired about the future of robotics first in the speech of Dr. Hubert Zitt, a lecturer at the FH Kaiserslautern/Zweibrücken who relates quite frequently the science in science fiction to the real world and current technical Continue reading

HAHN Automation Robotic Cup

Am Samstag den 04 Juni 2016 fand zum vierten Mal der HAHN Automation Robotik Cup statt. Dabei treten die Gruppen – in der Regel aus Schulklassen oder Robotik AGs der umliegenden Schulen – in drei Klassen Basic und Junior, sowie Noobie mit vereinfachten Regeln für die ganz jungen, gegeneinander an.


Dabei gilt es eine Aufgabe auf einem standardisierten Spielfeld mit einer passend aufgearbeiteten Blechdose zu lösen. Den Kids sind dabei alle Freiheiten gelassen. Es haben sich scheinbar LEGO Mindstorms als De Facto Standard heraus kristallisiert. Continue reading