In Eigener Sache: S2N – Server Storage Network Konferenz 2024

Der wiederkehrende Leser dieser Seite kennt es schon, ich bin immer mal wieder mit der iX Redaktion und dem d.punkt Verlag auf einschlägigen Infrastruktur Konferenzen um aus Sicht eines (wie auch immer) qualifizierten Anwenders über Erlebnisse mit Herstellern, Systemen, deren Betrieb oder angelagerten Themen vor zu tragen.

So auch dieses Jahr wieder auf der S2N Konferenz – Server, Storage, Network – der evolutionären Weiterentwicklung, welche aus der Storage 2 Day hervorgegangen ist.

Ich bin einmal mehr mit zwei Vorträgen dabei, die Nachrücker Liste hat dann eher unerwartet noch einen Continue reading

How To: Self Host a Generative AI

Generative AI is the new hot stuff. And its more easy than you presume. No need to spend billions on the hyperscalers profits. For the sake of ease as a first approach I will start here with a Linux based nevertheless Windows constellation.

This is a fundamental good approach because this relieves you from data privacy issues and helps with much more control over your private data. Predominantly without loss of quality because some of the included models come from large organizations with substantial funds. And there is not even a lack of performance or service integrity:

You may integrate large language models, image generation (never write an article or give an talk on AI without kittens – these up there are NOT real) and even integrate this as chatbots in your personal tools.

But to start:

Install a general available Linux platform – focus here on Debian (Ubuntu should work just as well) and install it in your local WSL – Windows Subsytem on Linux Environment. Most of this would apply to server installations, but I would spend some more effort to make this nice and shiny – and this should be an easy to use quick approach.

WSL Installation

Ensure Windows Terminal app is installed on your Windows PC – This is not CMD !.

Beyond that the installation of an local LLM is encouraged because it is easy to interact with windows desktop tools, which then may provide an network independent and customized chatbot.

Enter Terminal on Power Shell and enter

wsl --install -d Debian

Additional distributions might be available and may be retrieved likewise. An overview you get is with :

PS C:\Users\f.benke> wsl --list --online 

I prefer then to set the default version of the started WSL container to the application specific one. Continue reading

Sonderfolge #HACKED – IT Haus

Im Nachgang der Keynote zur Storage 2 Day durfte ich noch ein Versprechen einlösen und Stand für ein Videocast der IT-Haus zur Verfügung.

Eine der Lessons Learned aus dem Cyberincident ist, dass einem unter anderem auch ein gepflegtes und etabliertes Partner Netzwerk hilft – während es naiv ist zu denken beliebig externe Ressourcen an Bord bringen zu können und dabei noch zügig vorwärts zu kommen.

Und wie in allen Beziehungen geht dies in beide Richtungen und mit dem Interview möchte ich mich auch für die unkomplizierte und kompromisslose Hilfe bedanken.

Vielen Dank für die Einladung und KyP. F.

In my own regard – Speaker Season 2023

Just wanted to point out the upcoming Talk season. This year I speak primarily on the IT Sourcing Conference 23 of the BME – Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Logisik und Einkauf e.V. and again on the Storage 2 Day by Heise and D.Punkt Verlag.

You may find the dates and slides on my talks page permanently. Never the less I would like to point out that I am particular proud to deliver the opening keynote on the Storage 2 Day conference with a talk “Ransomware & The Dream of Backup“.

On the one hand I finally made it to the Heise Newsticker as some friends pointed out before I even recognized. On the other hand I summarize a real world experience of surviving Continue reading

Disable Aruba Call Home Defaults

If you run current versions of Aruba OS on the according switch families, meaning the ProCurve legacy switches by Aruba aka Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, you may notice some strange behavior on you firewall. Although I can not state “since when” that is the case, our next generation firewall noticed exactly that.

Annoyingly this feature is enabled by default and as always with defaults with Aruba OS this activated silently some time ago with an update and is not shown in the running configuration. I presume this is there since the ProCurve based systems had been integrated into Aruba’s zero touch provisioning universe.

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